We are really excited to have the opporunity to speak with this special "Modern Muse" - Ozlem Thompson.
Hello Ozlem- let's start.
Where are you right now?
Right now I am in Turkey, on an island in the Aegean sea gathering inspiration from ancient cultural sites such as the ancient city of Ephesus, and the beautiful landscapes here.
How would you describe a good day for yourself?
I live to paint, and any day that I am working brings me the greatest joy, but also all the ideas and experiences that feed into my artistic process are essential. I love classic films, music of many different genres and walks in nature. All these things and much more make up the palette to paint from my own state of mind.
What brings you inspiration?
As a student of biology I spend so much time delving into nature and its processes, and as an artist it’s so natural to combine my work with organic forms and the feelings they give me. I find ideas everywhere, around me even online or from my memories or dreams.
Which part of your job is your favourite?
Definitely my time painting and the meditative state I enter while working. I love experiencing the sudden and naturally occurring ideas that come to me while I paint, then seeing how they grow into a painting with its own state of being.
What colour describes you best?
Dark Magenta, I can lose myself in all colours but these days I especially would go for Magenta!
Are you in love?
My life journey has really been fascinating even if rather challenging, and it contains so many wonderful things and people, such as my family and work, but it’s so far proven itself as an expression of love in itself, and of trust in oneself.
What are you working on at the moment?
Right now I am working on a series of 9 paintings entitled; ‘Dreams of Goddesses’, which describes figures of feminine power, creativity and intelligence. I felt like taking some mythical or historical characters and giving life to them in a series of works placing them each in a fantasy landscape.
How do you define success?
I would say seeing your goals come to fruition through the mystery of believing and creating.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Passionate, visionary and determined.
Modern Muses that inspire you and why?
If modern could mean the 20th century then Ingmar Bergman, and Paolo Sorrentino, or perhaps Virginia Woolf, whose book ‘A Room for One’s Own’, I just finished reading and really enjoyed her ideas about the creative process and the importance of one’s personal workspace.
Thank you so much Ozlem for participating in our interview series. Your art, aura and speech is extremely inspiring to me and everyone else. Can't wait to "get lost" in one of your next paintings.
Simoni x