We are really excited to have the opporunity to speak with this special "Modern Muse" - Nefeli Chatziioannidou.
Hello Nefeli- let's start.
Where are you right now?
I am at my office in Thessaloniki, just picked up my daughter from school who is coloring in front of me, and I have half an hour to finish these questions before entering a zoom call.
How would you describe a good day for yourself?
A good day for myself is a day that I have managed to balance my personal and professional life, a day when I have time for my kids, my partner, myself, my professional goals and my dreams.
What brings you inspiration?
People bring me inspiration. The way they survive in their realities, their perseverance, their stories, their dreams, their struggles, everything in the way people choose to live their lives is pure inspiration for me and my work.
Which part of your job is your favourite?
The connection, the communication and the interaction with people and their stories.
What colour describes you best?
Black. The colour black is my happy colour, my sad colour, my inspirational colour and this is the reason why you can find almost only the colour black on my personal stuff.
Are you in love?
What are you working on at the moment?
Through my non- profit enterprise Yperoxes Gynaikes, I am trying to create ventures and policies that will help the lives of women in Greece.
How do you define success?
Success for me is to be confident about the decisions you have made in the past and have brought you where you are today. It doesn’t matter if they had negative consequences or they didn’t go as initially planned, for me it is success if it was 100% your decision.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Work in Progress
Modern Muses that inspire you and why?
I believe that all women that survive and thrive in this challenging modern world act as modern muses for all of us. My youngest modern muse though is my daughter Aria, who at age of four, challenges me daily to see the world differently.
Thank you so much Nefeli for this amazing interview. Having seen your impact in the world and understanding the way you make everything work so well is truly inspiring -it is an honour to have you here. A 100% Modern Muse! Wish you all the very best to everything coming your way in the future.
Thank you,