We are really excited to have the opporunity to speak with this special "Modern Muse" - artist Holy Silius.
Hello Holy- let's start.
Where are you right now?
Thank you for having me, I’m at home in Laurel Canyon, LA….it's a bit chilly and misty but my home is my happy place, i'm very settled here.
How would you describe a good day for yourself?
Having a full day, a routine of self care for me and my pup and then getting stuck into anything I have planned for that day either work, trying to be better, happy and educating myself in everything I can get my mind into…new experiences.
What brings you inspiration?
Nature, films, music, unique people, doing yoga, gong classes and having jet lag because I zone out and my mind wanders and creates the most bonkers ideas.
Which part of your job is your favourite?
Daydreaming and visualising because I manage to turn them into realities through art.
What colour describes you best?
Deep maroon… I love black and red so a mix of these…I think a lot about colour.
Are you in love?
Yes in many ways.
Photographer: Vanessa Beacroft
What are you working on at the moment?
So many projects it's a little overwhelming…I have a couple of sculptural projects and then a new project which has a completely new design realm aspect for me which is exciting…some with an intense depth and some for the beauty and the iconic nature of them..which is a great balance… i’m trying to do things at a slower pace but its just not how I work…I go through intense bursts and I cant help myself but to just make. I have a back log. I wish I could just constantly make and not have to deal with the realities of life - like pdfs and speeding tickets.
How do you define success?
Achieving your dreams and feeling fulfilled and content ….then also an added bonus of people noticing.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Earth, water, fire
Modern Muses that inspire you and why?
Boyan Slat for his dedication to clean up the ocean, Ariana Papademetropoulos, Isabelle Alburquerque, Mr Wash and Actual Objects for their incredible artistic brains.
Holy - you are truly such an inspirational artist but also an incredibly interesting human. Your point of view is unique and I am so happy that you shared it here. I wish you all the very best in your next steps and thank you so much for being involved in "Modern Muses".
@hollysilius @studio.silius